A fin de contribuir con la difusión de los objetivos del Capítulo II "Education, Outreech & Cumunication" del Año Polar Internacional, desde la Secretaría de Turismo de la Nación propusimos a las autoridades de Cancillería y de la Dirección Nacional del Antártico habilitar un puesto de informes en algunas de las bases antárticas más visitadas por el turismo y brindar información sobre los aspectos que más significativos del Año Polar Internacional.
A tal fin, elaboramos el siguiente folleto en Inglés y Español, que fue distribuido desde la Base Cámara por estudiantes avanzados de la carrera de Turismo de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia con sede en Ushuaia.
Texto elaborado para el Folleto IPY en INGLES
You have the privilege of entering a natural region devoted to peace and science
This may turn out to be an exotic and exciting experience or also turn into an opportunity to contribute something to the future of the planet.
Get information and become involved with the
International Polar Year 2007-2008
The International Polar Year will basically consist of an unprecedented intense campaign of interdisciplinary research coordinated worldwide and organized by the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Researchers from more than fifty countries will work jointly and simultaneously to advance our understanding of the poles in view of the significant impact these regions have on the sea level and global climate changes, the biogeochemical cycles, the ecosystems and even on human activities.
The complex atmospheric, physical and biological processes that take place in the continent and in the Southern Ocean have a close and decisive influence on the climate and the environment of the whole planet.
Through a deeper understanding of the relationship and interaction of the poles with the global climate processes we will be able to warn more accurately of environmental and human conducts that may have a critical influence on natural contingencies due to undergoing processes, or prevent them on time.
The year 2007 will mark the 125th anniversary of the first International Polar Year (1882-1883), the 75th anniversary of the second International Polar Year (1932-1933) and the 50th anniversary of the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) that resulted in the creation of the Antarctic Treaty.
For that reason a new Polar Year was formally established and as it happened in previous occasions, the international scientific community is working intensely, prepared to develop monumental efforts in the north and south extremes of the planet in order to advance their knowledge of these areas.
It is important to emphasize that both the celebration of the “Polar Years” and the International Geophysical Year not only resulted in considerable developments in different fields of science but they also promoted a close international cooperation. That is why this event, which takes place between periods of time measured in decades, brings so much expectation.
The International Polar Year should leave a legacy of new knowledge, observation systems, facilities and laboratories to carry on with Polar studies and environmental monitoring, as well as of human resources particularly interested in the importance of these natural processes. The IPY also aims at raising the awareness of the public in general and especially of those sectors with the power to make decisions at global level on the sustainability of human development in a permanent interaction with nature both at medium and long term planning processes.
This intense research marathon will officially extend from March 1, 2007 to March 1, 2009, although some of the programs could be maintained for a term of 10 years in order to achieve maximum results.
The increase in the minimum temperature of the Antarctic continent, the detachment of large ice blocks, the global retreat of glaciers and other processes being noticed, have increase the concern of the international scientific community and pose serious questions on their consequences in the future.
Therefore, more than ever, the International Polar Year 2007-2009 presents a huge challenge at scientific level, but even more so at social and political levels, that justifies the investment in singular efforts in order to try to understand this undergoing processes and thus be able to predict proper actions to preserve life on Earth as we know it.
For all those reasons YOUR privilege to enter Antarctica may take on a special meaning if you actively contribute to inform the concepts and goals of the International Polar Year.
This publication is one of the ways in which the Argentine Republic, through its National Committee for IPY adheres to the International Polar Year.
In its paragraph 3.3.4 of the Work Plan that refers to the “Education, Outreach and Communication Plan”, the IPY organization considers that it is essential to inform and make tourists visiting the Antarctic aware of the Polar Year, its concepts and goals.
Over 90% of the world tourism that visits the Antarctica comes through Ushuaia, this is why for us it is a pleasure to have the task of sharing this information.
Surely your country is actively working for the International Polar Year: Get information and become involved!
IPY National Committee
Secretariat of Tourism - Argentine Republic;
National Antarctic Office (DNA)
Argentine Antarctic Institute
Tourism Committee of the Honorable National Senate;
Antarctic Office of the Tourism Institute - Tierra del Fuego Government.